power automate import csv to sql

Posted on March 13, 2023

I know its not ideal, but were using the Manually trigger a Flow trigger because we cant use premium connectors. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, how are the file formats changing? Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Integrations. Hi Manuel, I have followed this article to make this flow automate. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, Summary: Guest blogger, Ken McFerron, discusses how to use Windows PowerShell to find and to disable or remove inactive Active Directory users. If you want it to be truly automatic, you will need to go beyond SQL. I think this comes from the source CSV file. Step 1: select the csv file. In my previous Hey, Scripting Guy! Could you observe air-drag on an ISS spacewalk? Find all tables containing column with specified name - MS SQL Server. To check the number of elements of the array, you can use: Now that we know that we have the headers in the first row and more than two rows, we can fetch the headers. But dont worry, we can import the whole solution . Its a huge upgrade from the other template, and I think you will like it. Lastly, canceled the flow because it is running for days and not completed the flow. My issue is, I cannot get past the first get file content using path. I am trying to import a number of different csv files into a SQL Server 2008R2 database. post, Use PowerShell to Collect Server Data and Write to SQL, I demonstrated some utility functions for loading any Windows PowerShell data into SQL Server. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. Here we want to: Looks complex? I think that caveat should probably be put in the article pretty early on, since many CSVs used in the real world will have this format and often we cannot choose to avoid it! Power Platform Integration - Better Together! Manuel, this is fantastic, the flow is great. It took ten years for Microsoft to get CSV export working correctly in SSRS, for example. The one thing Im stumped on now is the \r field. I need to state where my csv file exists in the directory. I just came across your post. I exported another template just to be sure that it wasnt an export problem. the error means it is not a applicable sintax for that operation, @Bruno Lucas Yes, when is completed Create CSV Table my idea is insert all records in SQL Server. 39K views 2 years ago Excel Tutorials - No Information Overload Learn how to fully automate your Reports in Excel using SQL in order to minimize any manual work. And then I set the complete parameter list to a single variable in order to mitigate issues in parameter reading of SQLCmd. Option 1: Import by creating and modifying a file template; Option 2: Import by bringing your own source file; Option 1: Import by creating and modifying a file template. Click the Next > button. Is the rarity of dental sounds explained by babies not immediately having teeth? Like csv to txt to xls? If you apply the formula above, youll get: I use the other variables to control the flow of information and the result. How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? Unable to process template language expressions in action Each_Row inputs at line 1 and column 6184: The template language function split expects its first parameter to be of type string. The CSV I need to parse does not have a header row until row 8, row 9 to row x are standard CSV layout based on the row 8 header. I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Scheduled. How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table? Let's first create a dummy database named 'Bar' and try to import the CSV file into the Bar database. You can edit it in any text editor. Add an Open SQL Connection Action Add an "Open SQL connection" action (Action -> Database) and click the option to build the Connection string. It will not populate SharePoint. In order to have the Insert Row into SQL Server table work, we should take use of Excel->Get Rows Action, after the Schedule trigger. Courtenay from Parserr here. CSV to Excel Power Automate and Office Scripts Any File Encoding - Free | Fast | Easy - YouTube Let me show you how you can use a Microsoft Office Script to convert your CSV into Excel. Here is the syntax for running a command to generate and load a CSV file: ./get-diskspaceusage.ps1 | export-csv -Path C:\Users\Public\diskspace.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force, #Uncomment/comment set-alias for x86 vs. x64 system, #set-alias logparser C:\Program Files\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe, set-alias logparser C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe, start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath logparser -ArgumentList @, SELECT * INTO diskspaceLP FROM C:\Users\Public\diskspace.csv -i:CSV -o:SQL -server:Win7boot\sql1 -database:hsg -driver:SQL Server -createTable:ON. However, one of our vendors from which we're receiving data likes to change up the file format every now and then (feels like twice a month) and it is a royal pain to implement these changes in SSIS. Indefinite article before noun starting with "the". Took me over an hour to figure it out. The file formats are CSV, they're delimited with commas, and are text qualified with double quotes. The first two steps we can do quickly and in the same expression. Open the Azure portal, navigate to logic apps and edit the existing logic app that we created in the first article. If you want to persist, the JSON is quite simple. I was actually (finally) able to grab the file from OneDrive, pull it through this process and populate a SharePoint list with the JSON array. Looking at SQL Server, we see that our newly created table contains the CSV file: The CreateTable switch will create the table if it does not exist; and if it does exist, it will simply append the rows to the existing table. Thus, in this article, we have seen how to parse the CSV data and update the data in the SPO list. If I have a simple CSV with two columns (Account,Value), this is whats returned: [ Is there any way to do this without using the HTTP Response connector? What is Ansible and How NASA is using Ansible? Ive tried using the replace method both in the Compose 2 (replace(variables(JSON_STRING),\r,)) and in the Parse JSON actions ( replace(outputs(Compose_2),\r,) ) but still couldnt get it to populate that string field. split(outputs('Get_file_content')?['body'],outputs('Compose-new_line')). Click on New Step to add a step of executing SQL stored procedure. How to rename a file based on a directory name? THANKS! Then we start parsing the rows. Superman,100000\r, From there run some SQL scripts over it to parse it out and clean up the data: DECLARE @CSVBody VARCHAR(MAX)SET @CSVBody=(SELECT TOP 1 NCOA_PBI_CSV_Holding.FileContentsFROM NCOA_PBI_CSV_Holding), /*CREATE TABLE NCOA_PBI_CSV_Holding(FileContents VARCHAR(MAX))*/, SET @CSVBody=REPLACE(@CSVBody,'\r\n','~')SET @CSVBody=REPLACE(@CSVBody,CHAR(10),'~'), SELECT * INTO #SplitsFROM STRING_SPLIT(@CSVBody,'~')WHERE [value] NOT LIKE '%ADDRLINE1,ADDRLINE2,ADDRLINE3,ANKLINK%', UPDATE #SplitsSET value = REPLACE(value,CHAR(13),''), SELECT dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],1,',') ADDRLINE1,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],2,',') ADDRLINE2,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],3,',') ADDRLINE3/*,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],4,',') ANKLINK,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],5,',') ARFN*/,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],6,',') City/*,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],7,',') CRRT,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],8,',') DPV,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],9,',') Date_Generated,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],10,',') DPV_No_Stat,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],11,',') DPV_Vacant,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],12,',') DPVCMRA,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],13,',') DPVFN,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],14,',') ELOT,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],15,',') FN*/,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],16,',') Custom/*,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],17,',') LACS,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],18,',') LACSLINK*/,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],19,',') LASTFULLNAME/*,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],20,',') MATCHFLAG,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],21,',') MOVEDATE,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],22,',') MOVETYPE,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],23,',') NCOALINK*/,CAST(dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],24,',') AS DATE) PRCSSDT/*,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],25,',') RT,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],26,',') Scrub_Reason*/,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],27,',') STATECD/*,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],28,',') SUITELINK,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],29,',') SUPPRESS,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],30,',') WS*/,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],31,',') ZIPCD,dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],32,',') Unique_ID--,CAST(dbo.UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS([value],32,',') AS INT) Unique_ID,CAST(NULL AS INT) Dedup_Priority,CAST(NULL AS NVARCHAR(20)) CIF_KeyINTO #ParsedCSVFROM #splits-- STRING_SPLIT(@CSVBody,'~')--WHERE [value] NOT LIKE '%ADDRLINE1,ADDRLINE2,ADDRLINE3,ANKLINK%', ALTER FUNCTION [dbo]. If that's the case, I'd use a batch job to just standardize the type and file name before the ssis package runs, @scsimon as in adding fields. Fantastic. Build your . By default it will show only images. Before the run, I have no items on the list. You have two options to send your image to SQL. Please email me your Flow so that I can try to understand what could be the issue. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I have used the Export to file for PowerBI paginated reports connector and from that I need to change the column names before exporting the actual data in csv format. Hit save. Check if the array is not empty and has the same number of columns as the first one. Every table has required columns that must exist in your input file. However, the creation of a CSV file is usually only a short stop in an overall process that includes loading the file into another system. Does your previous step split(variables(EACH_ROW)[0],,) returns an array? I'd like to automate the process so don't want to have to download the Excel / CSV files manually. Save the following script as Get-DiskSpaceUsage.ps1, which will be used as the demonstration script later in this post. If you want to call this, all you need to do is the following: Call the Power Automate and convert the string into a JSON: Then all you have to do is go through all values and get the information that you need. I ask because this is a Premium connector and Im trying to do this using only the Free/Standard options available to me through my organization. Like what I do? Note: SQL Server includes a component specifically for data migration called SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), which is beyond the scope of this article. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? Can you please paste here a dummy sample of your first 3 rows so that I can check? My workflow is this: 1. then there is no errors inflow. Here is a little information about Chad: Chad Miller is a SQL Server database admin and the senior manager of database administration at Raymond James Financial. Otherwise, we add a , and add the next value. I was following your How to parse a CSV file tutorial and am having some difficulties. The following image shows the command in SQL Server Management Studio. "ERROR: column "a" does not exist" when referencing column alias. Microsoft Scripting Guy, series of blogs I recently wrote about using CSV files, Remove Unwanted Quotation Marks from CSV Files by Using PowerShell, Use PowerShell to Collect Server Data and Write to SQL, Use a Free PowerShell Snap-in to Easily Manage App-V Server, Use PowerShell to Find and Remove Inactive Active Directory Users, Login to edit/delete your existing comments, arrays hash tables and dictionary objects, Comma separated and other delimited files, local accounts and Windows NT 4.0 accounts, PowerTip: Find Default Session Config Connection in PowerShell Summary: Find the default session configuration connection in Windows PowerShell. - read files (csv/excel) from one drive folder, - insert rows from files in sql server table, File Format - will be fixed standard format for all the files. Hi, I dont think you included the if value of the JSON_STRING variable in the Apply to each 2. See how it works. I inserted the space on purpose, but well get to that. Some switches and arguments are difficult to work with when running directly in Windows PowerShell. Now add Parse Json action and configure the action, Content: It would be the output from the Select, Schema: the output payload that you have copied before. The aim is to end up with a JSON array that we can use in other actions. Checks if the header number match the elements in the row youre parsing. You can now define if the file has headers, define whats the separator character(s) and it now supports quotes. LogParser is a command-line tool and scripting component that was originally released by Microsoft in the IIS6.0 Resource Kit. . Bulk upload is the cleanest method to uploading half a dozen different csv files into different tables. I would rather use SharePoint, though (having CSV created using SSRS and published to SharePoint). Explore Microsoft Power Automate. Power Query automatically detects what connector to use based on the first file found in the list. All other rows (1-7 and x+1 to end) are all headername, data,. For this reason, lets look at one more approach. If you have more or less, then we cannot do the mapping, for example: Add that to a JSON string (variable created above), Go to position X of the headers and get the name and the current item. Can you please give it a try and let me know if you have issues. BULK INSERT works reasonably well, and it is very simple. Windows PowerShell has built in support for creating CSV files by using the Export-CSV cmdlet. The expression is taken (outputs from select, 3). Go to Power Automate using the URL ( https://flow.microsoft.com) or from the app launcher. Import from an Excel or CSV file. The next column to parse and corresponding value. Cheers How do you know? Thanks to Paulie Murana who has provided an easy way to parse the CSV file without any 3rd party or premium connectors. Lately .csv (or related format, like .tsv) became very popular again, and so it's quite common to be asked to import data contained in one or more .csv file into the database you application is using, so that data contained therein could be used by the application itself.. How to be a presentation master on Microsoft Teams? Again, you can find all of this already done in a handy template archive so that you can parse a CSV file in no time. You can confirm this, but Im almost sure that the issue is in the Apply to each where the parsing itself is taking the time. I'm a previous Project Manager, and Developer now focused on delivering quality articles and projects here on the site. There are other Power Automates that can be useful to you, so check them out. Download the following script: Invoke-SqlCmd2.ps1. it won't take too much of your time. [UFN_SEPARATES_COLUMNS](@TEXT varchar(8000),@COLUMN tinyint,@SEPARATOR char(1))RETURNS varchar(8000)ASBEGINDECLARE @pos_START int = 1DECLARE @pos_END int = CHARINDEX(@SEPARATOR, @TEXT, @pos_START), WHILE (@COLUMN >1 AND @pos_END> 0)BEGINSET @pos_START = @pos_END + 1SET @pos_END = CHARINDEX(@SEPARATOR, @TEXT, @pos_START)SET @COLUMN = @COLUMN - 1END, IF @COLUMN > 1 SET @pos_START = LEN(@TEXT) + 1IF @pos_END = 0 SET @pos_END = LEN(@TEXT) + 1, RETURN SUBSTRING (@TEXT, @pos_START, @pos_END - @pos_START)END. { c. Use VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in Excel macro to export data from Excel to SQL Server. How to parse a CSV file with Power. Youre absolutely right, and its already fixed. Work less, do more. PowerShell Code to Automatically Import Data PowerShell will automatically create our staging table using the above assumptions by reading from the file we want. InvalidTemplate. I'm attempting to use this solution to export a SharePoint list with much more than 5000 items to a CSV file and it all works until I need to take the data returned from the flow and put it . Any Ideas? Please readthis articledemonstrating how it works. Hi @Javier Guzman Not yet, but Im working on finding a solution and explaining it here with a template. I had the same issue. I am currently in a tricky spot at the moment. And as we don't want to make our customers pay more as they should, we started playing around with some of the standard functionalities Power Automate provides. Do you have any other advice that I might be able to refer to? It allows you to convert CSV into an array and variables for each column. Note: The example uses a database named hsg.. #1 or #2? Excellent information, I will try it and let you know how it goes. To use BULK INSERT without a lot of work, well need to remove the double quotes. Lost your password? You can proceed to use the json parse when it succeeds, When the Parse Json succeed, the fields will be already split by the json parser task. Works perfect. Please suggest. It was seen that lot of work has to be done in real time environment to implement the Invoke-Sqlcmd module in Powershell. Build your skills. The trigger tables need an Identity column, and ideally Date, Time, and possibly Datetime columns would be helpful too. Congratulations - C# Corner Q4, 2022 MVPs Announced, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXdeg_6Lr3o, https://www.tachytelic.net/2021/02/power-automate-parse-csv/. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. I have 4 columns in my csv to transfer data, namely MainClassCode, MainClassName, AccountType and TxnType. Right now, we have accommodated a custom feature to upload to CRM 2016 and the csv file gets stored on a server location. Connect to SQL Server to manage data. Both the HTTP trigger and Response are Premium connectors, so be sure that you have the correct account. Can you please try it and let me know? We have a handy "query" function, where yousend the CSV/Excel as an attachment (or autoforward it to us) , and then setup the query to extract the rows you need from your CSV/Excel. We need to increase the element by one. So i am trying to parse the Json file to create an array, and iterating through that array and adding every row into the excel document. Otherwise, scheduling a load from the csv to your database would require a simple SSIS package. We were able to manage them, somewhat, with workflow and powershell, but workflow is deprecated now and I hate having to do this in PS since we are using PA pretty regularly now. Please enter your username or email address. Looking to protect enchantment in Mono Black. If the save is successful. rev2023.1.18.43172. The following data shows that our CSV file was successfully imported. The schema of this sample data is needed for the Parse Json action. OK, lets start with the fun stuff. Why are there two different pronunciations for the word Tee? Power Automate for desktop is a 64-bit application, only 64-bit installed drivers are available for selection in the Open SQL connection action. Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble. This will benefit the overall community, so I decided to build a CSV parser using only Power Automates actions. You can look into using BIML, which dynamically generates packages based on the meta data at run time. The import file included quotes around the values but only if there was a comma inside the string. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This article explains how to automate the data update from CSV files to SharePoint online list. Power Platform Integration - Better Together! Cheers My first comment did not show up, trying it again. The final Parse JSON should look like below. However, one of our vendors from which we're receiving data likes to change up the file format every now and then (feels like twice a month) and it is a royal pain to implement these changes in SSIS. Now save and run the flow. In this one, we break down the file into rows and get an array with the information. This post demonstrated three approaches to loading CSV files into tables in SQL Server by using a scripted approach. Im trying multiple points of attack but so far, only dead ends. Using power automate, get the file contents and dump it into a staging table. Now click on My Flows and Instant cloud flow. Thank you! Second key, the expression, would be outputs('Compose_-_get_field_names')[1], value would be split(item(),',')? 2023 C# Corner. Power Automate can help you automate business processes, send automatic reminders for tasks, move data between systems on a set schedule, and more! 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Json action complete parameter list to a single location that is power automate import csv to sql and easy search. Trying power automate import csv to sql import a number of different CSV files into a SQL Server 2008R2 database a. Understand what could be the issue might be able to refer to as Get-DiskSpaceUsage.ps1, will! How NASA is using Ansible above assumptions by reading from the CSV.... So I decided to build a CSV file 1 or # 2 by using a scripted approach have any advice. Csv file was successfully imported is running for days and not completed the is... I was following your how to automate the data in the apply to 2! Want to persist power automate import csv to sql the JSON is quite simple the URL ( https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=sXdeg_6Lr3o, https //www.tachytelic.net/2021/02/power-automate-parse-csv/... An hour to figure it out I need to go beyond SQL we created in the row youre parsing commas. Datetime columns would be helpful too ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA end ) are all headername,,!

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power automate import csv to sql